Thursday, August 6, 2009

# 159 ポケットモンスター♥


TheOneAcademy is great! 大好き!I love my new friends, they are just as crazy as I am :D


I am blessed to have such great people surrounding me wherever I go,

good influence, awesome support, jollyolly situations all the time.

I've never felt this alive! :D :D


Although I do have tons and tons of homework but this is really worth it.

And I hope I'll remember this always.

I'm sorta really forgetful =\

then I'll start complaining again. boohuu.

So, other than that, I wanna apologize for being so dam busy with my work

and I didn't have much time for my friends. So sorry babes and dudes.

I do miss you guys, so very very much ;(


我哋之間感覺已經唔存在啦。好奇怪。。好好嘅一段感情都噉難保持, 噉就無喲。要返轉頭再珍惜已經太遲。。其實自己都黐線嘅。。一陣間就會變主意。呢條路,要唔要再行落去咧?我真嘅唔知點算好。



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