My internet got haywire last week.
Don't ask how. it sort of did.
And not seeing me online doesn't mean I'm being all nerdy at home.
It's not like it's a bad thing.
but.. whatever. @_@
Feb 2008 has been great.
CNY was cool.
at least now I'm not that broke.
school was, usual.
couldn't believe I've already collected likee.....12demerits this month!
Last month meh records were cleannnnnn.
oh well. cause the discipline teachers are going all crazy.
couldn't blame them.
must be the election banners are aggravating them while they are picking their nose by the roadside or something.
the banners are EVERYWHERE!
and I find them funny.
DAP and BN were like 'zha-ing' each other kao kao.
hehe. keeps me entertained.
I've been doing some coloring lately.
It's been pretty fun for me 'cause the last time i've been doing this i was like.. 7?!

My favourite lil' elmo lover!!!!

I want to watch SpiderWick leh. aih.
got my cute British-accent guy inside leh!!! =)))))

2nd last pic...
That pose makes you look... erm.... a bit like pregnant la -_-"
lol. tht's my sister btw, not me. haha. dont say like tht lah. very bad le u.
Wahlao, you girls might as well be twins.
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